
How To Use Bootstrap Studio On A Template

Bootstrap Studio is a powerful desktop app for designing and prototyping websites.

It comes with a large number of congenital-in components, which you can drag and drop to assemble responsive web pages. The app is built on top of the hugely popular Bootstrap framework, and exports clean and semantic HTML.

The Interface

Bootstrap Studio has a beautiful and powerful interface, which is built effectually the simplicity of drag and driblet. This makes information technology the perfect tool for prototyping and designing spider web pages and apps.

App Interface App Interface Expanded

Cute Templates

The app comes with a number of premium, fully responsive templates that yous can customize. Each template consists of multiple pages and widgets you can pick-and-match into the perfect website.

Beautiful Components

Bootstrap Studio comes with a large number of pretty components for edifice responsive pages. We've got headers, footers, galleries, slideshows and fifty-fifty basic elements like spans and divs. Run across some of them beneath.

Smart Drag & Drop

Bootstrap Studio knows which Bootstrap components can be nested in ane some other and gives you suggestions. It automatically generates beautiful HTML for you, which looks equally if it was written past paw by an expert.

Create Your Own Components

You tin can extract pieces of your designs as Custom Components, and have them ready to be dropped into whatever design you create. You can also export these components as files and share them.

Online Library

If you need a component which doesn't exist in our library, merely click the Online tab in the Component Panel. There you will discover thousands of components congenital and shared by the community. You can also upload your own.

Linked Components

This is a powerful characteristic which allows you to synchronize components, then changing one will automatically change the other. This is especially useful for things like headers and footers which you need to update across pages.

Realtime Preview

Bootstrap Studio has a powerful characteristic called Preview. With it, you can open up your design in multiple web browsers and devices, and every change you make inside the app volition be shown instantaneously everywhere.

Browser Preview

Editing Code

For some things drag and drop isn't enough. This is why Bootstrap Studio gives you full control over your markup when y'all need it. You can import and edit CSS, SASS, JavaScript and HTML in our Sublime Text-similar editor.

CSS Editing

Advanced CSS and SASS Editors

Our advanced CSS editing interface supports auto suggest and rule validation, and shows the active and inherited rules at an any given time.

JavaScript Editing

Write JavaScript in our Sublime Text-like editor. All your changes are synced with the preview, and so you lot can write code and try it out without having to reload your browser.

HTML Editing

With our powerful Custom Code component, you can write HTML directly, without going through our elevate and driblet interface. Yous can as well convert whatever piece of your page into Custom Code when y'all need it.

Import Existing Websites

If you have a website that you've developed previously, you tin can import it. But drag and drop the HTML, CSS, JS files and images into Bootstrap Studio and they volition be added to your project.

Connect External Editors

Prefer to write CSS in your editor? No problem! With a single click yous tin can connect Visual Studio Lawmaking, Sublime Text, Atom, IntelliJ and more.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Bootstrap Studio has comprehensive back up for keyboard shortcuts which allow yous to speed up your workflow dramatically.

Even More Features

Bootstrap Studio is a revolutionary website builder. With its productivity features and specialized Bootstrap tools, you tin can create everything from a prototype to a fully working website.

Built for Bootstrap 3, four and 5

Bootstrap Studio knows how to construct a valid Bootstrap folio and automatically writes the right HTML. Information technology supports Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap four and Bootstrap v, and can catechumen your designs from 1 to the other.

I-click Publishing

You can consign your design every bit a static website, or publish it with i click to our side by side gen hosting platform. It offers HTTPS, custom domains, passkeys and is totally free!

Grid Tools

The app has specialized tools for working with the Bootstrap grid. Easily create, resize and first columns, and use responsive visibility classes.

Polish Animations

In our app, you tin create smooth CSS animations that are triggered on browser coil or hover. We also have a special Parallax component for beautiful image backgrounds.

Google Webfonts

Bootstrap Studio is integrated with Google Webfonts and gives y'all an easy style to import and manage your fonts. Font family names are even auto-suggested in our css editor.

Command Palette

Speed up your workflow with our Command Palette! Printing Ctrl/Cmd+P and create/open up files, insert components with an Pismire-like CSS syntax, generate Lorem ipsum text and trigger menu commands.

Themes and Icons

The app has a number of born Bootstrap themes, icon fonts, templates and components, which you lot can combine into beautiful and unique designs.

Always Up to Engagement

Bootstrap Studio updates automatically, so y'all always have the latest version. Nosotros release updates every month, filled with new features, components and improvements.


Bootstrap Studio is a desktop application that works fully offline. There are no monthly payments, usage limits or ongoing fees. You lot buy it once and own it forever.


Bootstrap Studio Standard is the perfect tool for developers, designers and individuals with involvement in spider web development.

Limited TimeBuy today and get our premium templates for free!


Bootstrap Studio Lifetime is a special version of our app. It has all powerful features and y'all'll receive every new version for gratuitous, forever.

Everything from Standard

Free upgrades forever!


Express TimeBuy today and get our premium templates for free!

Instructions: Click the "Buy" button above and make full a valid email address. In one case you lot complete your purchase, nosotros volition ship you a download link for Bootstrap Studio.


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